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SSH key generation

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Using SSH keys allows you to avoid entering the remote user's password and replace it with a hard-to-find SSH key, making the process of server management more secure.


An SSH key is a cryptographic key used to authenticate a user when connecting to a remote server using the SSH protocol.

There are two types of SSH key:

  1. A public key is key that can be sent to a remote server for identification. It is used to encrypt data that can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key. The private key can also be used to encrypt data, which is then decrypted by the public key.

  2. A private key is a key that must be kept secret on the user's local machine. It is used to decrypt data encrypted with the public key.

To connect to a server using SSH keys, you need to create a key pair (public and private) on the local machine and then copy the public key to the remote server. It is then possible to connect to the server without providing the remote user's password. Usually the private key is generated with a password, and you will still need to provide that password when connecting.

SSH key generation for Linux/MacOS operating systems

Create an SSH key

  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

  2. Generate an SSH key on the local machine. To do this, run the following command in a terminal:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    After running the command, you will be asked to select a filename and location for the key. By default it is stored in the /.ssh/ directory and the file name is id_rsa.

    You will then be prompted to enter a passphrase to further secure the SSH connection. You do not have to enter the passphrase:

    Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:

    The fingerprint of the key and its image appear on the terminal:

    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[RSA 3072]----+
    |      .     ..o+=|
    |     . .     o +.|
    |      o . o . o.o|
    |       = o . + oo|
    |      . S . + o o|
    |       . = ..o . |
    |        o ..=o+  |
    |         ..+=Xo+ |
    |         .E=*=Oo |

    You can use commands to view the SSH keys created:

    • cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa - private key lookup;
    • cat ~/.ssh/ - public key lookup.

    Next you need to add the public key to the server. To do this, type the following command, replacing username with the username on the server and ip_address with the IP address of the server:

    ssh-copy-id <username>@<ip_address>
    • <username> — username;
    • <ip_address> — server public IP address.

    After entering the command, the system will prompt for the password of the account on the server. After entering the password, the public key is copied to the server and added to the ~/.ssh/authorised_keys file on the server.

    Once you have completed the above steps, you will need to enter the command to connect to the server using an SSH key:

    ssh <username>@<ip_address>

Creating an SSH key during an Linux reinstall

The SSH key can be added during the reinstallation of the operating system. To do this, before starting the installation of a new operating system in Invapi, fill in the Public ssh key field in the Reinstall tab:


For an example of an OS reinstallation request, see OS reinstallation API methods

SSH key generation for Windows


There are two methods of generating SSH keys on the Windows operating system: one using the OpenSSH client and one using the PuTTY client. Below are instructions for generating keys using either method.

OpenSSH client

To generate an SSH key using the OpenSSH client, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Check for the presence of the OpenSSH client. To do this, go to Parameters >> Applications >> Additional Components and type SSH in the search bar.

    If the client is not installed, click the Add Component button and locate it using the search bar. Then click the Install button.

    You can also use the command line to check for the openSSH client:

    ssh -V
  2. Go to the command prompt (shortcut Win+R >> type cmd >> press OK) and enter the command:


    After running the command, you will be asked to select a filename and location for the key. By default, it is stored in the /.ssh/ directory and the file name is id_rsa.

    You will then be prompted to enter a passphrase to further secure the SSH connection. This is optional:

    Enter file in which to save the key (.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:```

    The fingerprint of the key and its image appear on the terminal:

    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[RSA 3072]----+
    |      .     ..o+=|
    |     . .     o +.|
    |      o . o . o.o|
    |       = o . + oo|
    |      . S . + o o|
    |       . = ..o . |
    |        o ..=o+  |
    |         ..+=Xo+ |
    |         .E=*=Oo |
  3. To check for generated keys, change to the previously specified directory on the local device. For example, C:\Users\user_name\.ssh:


  1. Download and install the Putty client on your local device;

  2. Run puttygen.exe from the Start menu.

  3. Select the RSA key type and press the Generate button:

  4. Move the mouse several times in random directions in the Key Generation window, this action will create a random noise:

  5. To protect the key with a password, enter it in Key passphrase and repeat it in Confirm passphrase. If no additional protection is required, leave these fields blank:

    Click the Save Private Key button to save the private key.

    Click the Save Public Key button to save the public key to disk. This key will be used for authentication on the server.

  6. Copy the SSH public key to the server:

    scp </path/to/file> <username>@<ip_address></path/to/destination>
    • </path/to/file> — full path to the public key on the local computer;
    • <username> — username;
    • <ip_address> — server public IP address;
    • </path/to/destination> — path for storing the public key on the server.

Creating an SSH key during an Windows reinstall

It is possible to add the SSH key during the reinstallation of the operating system. To do this, before starting the installation of a new operating system in Invapi, fill in the Public ssh key field in the Reinstall tab:


For an example of an OS reinstallation request, see OS reinstallation API methods

Delete SSH key

To delete an SSH key, you must

  • Open the authorised_keys file, which is usually located in the /.ssh/ directory. You can use a command line text editor such as Vim or Nano.
  • Locate the line containing the public key you wish to delete. Each line corresponds to a key.
  • Delete the line with the public key you want to remove from the authorized_keys file.
  • Save the changes and close the file.
  • Restart the SSH service on the server for the changes to take effect. In most cases this can be done with sudo service ssh restart or sudo systemctl restart sshd.
  • Check that the key no longer works for SSH login.


If the WIndows OS is installed on the user's local device, you can also find the known_hosts file and delete the line with the appropriate SSH key in it

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