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JupyterLab is a modern web-based interactive development environment that extends and improves upon the classic Jupyter Notebook. It provides a flexible interface for working with documents and activities related to Jupyter, such as notebooks, terminals, text editors, file browsers, and more. JupyterLab is fully extensible and supports a wide range of workflows in scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning.

Key Features of JupyterLab

  • Modular and Extensible Interface: Customize your workspace to fit your needs.
  • Multi-Format Support: Work with notebooks, text files, images, and other document types.
  • Integrated File Browser: Navigate your file system with ease.
  • Interactive Dashboards: Create and use interactive control panels.
  • Enhanced Text Editor: Features syntax highlighting and code autocompletion.
  • Flexible Extension System: Add new features and tools to your environment.

Deployment Features

ID Compatible OS VM BM VGPU GPU Min CPU (Cores) Min RAM (Gb) Min HDD/SDD (Gb) Active
192 Ubuntu 24.04 + + + + 1 1 10 Yes
  • Pre-installed Dependencies:
  • Python 3
  • pip
  • virtualenv

  • Working Directory: /root

    • JupyterLab Installation:
    • Main Directory: /opt/data/jupyter/
    • Executable Files: /opt/data/jupyter/bin/
    • Configuration Files: /opt/data/jupyter/etc/jupyter/
    • Common Resources: /opt/data/jupyter/share/jupyter/
    • Python Packages: /opt/data/jupyter/lib/python3.12/site-packages/
  • Key Installed Libraries:

    • numpy 1.26.4
    • matplotlib 3.6.3
    • ipython 8.20.0
    • jupyter_core 5.3.2
    • notebook 6.4.12
    • ipykernel 6.29.3
    • nbconvert 6.5.3
    • nbformat 5.9.1
    • jupyterlab-pygments 0.2.2
    • ipywidgets 8.1.1
    • jinja2 3.1.2
    • pillow 10.2.0

The web interface will be accessible at: https://lab{Server_ID_from_Invapi}

Getting Started After JupyterLab Deployment

After purchasing an order, you'll receive a notification email when your server is ready. This email will include your VPS IP address and login credentials for connection. Our company clients manage their equipment through the server control panel and APIInvapi.

You can find authentication data, either in the Info >> Tags section of your server's control panel or in the email you received:

  • Link to access JupyterLab's web interface: - in the webpanel tag;
  • Login: root - for server management, only a password is required to authenticate with JupyterLab;
  • Password: Sent to your email address after the server is ready for use following software deployment.

Authorization and the Starting Menu

After a successful login, you'll be presented with the JupyterLab start page:

This page features an intuitive interface providing access to JupyterLab's core functions and tools:

  1. Top Bar:

    • Standard menu with options: File, Edit, View, Run, Kernel, Tabs, Settings, Help.
    • + Button for creating a new file or opening a new terminal.
    • Icons for saving, uploading, and updating.
  2. Left Sidebar:

    • File browser with a Filter files by name search field.
    • Displays the root directory / and the nginx folder, last modified 2 hours ago.
  3. Central Area (Launcher):

    • Notebook section with an option to create a new Python 3 notebook (ipykernel).
    • Console section also with a Python 3 (ipykernel) option.
    • Other section with additional options:
      • Terminal (to open a command line);
      • Text File (to create a text file);
      • Markdown File (to create a markup file);
      • Python File (to create a Python script);
      • Show Contextual Help (to display contextual help).


Detailed information about JupyterLab's main settings can be found in the developer documentation.

Ordering JupyterLab via API

To install this software using the API, follow this instruction.