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Server management in Invapi

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Selecting a specific server grants access to its management tabs.

Server ID and Server IP address

Above the tabs, you can find the following information that can be copied by clicking on the desired values:

  • Server IP;
  • Server ID (digits 46975 in the line like Rent NL VPS 46975);
  • Server Status;
  • Paid rental period.

Info tab

The Information tab is intended to manage server's tags. This tab displays general information about the server: configuration, start date, status, operating system, tag's menu and information about them.

General information

This section provides information about the server, including:

  • Hostname which can be changed by clicking on the icon next to it;
  • server Configuration;
  • useful information for the installed software, such as the login URL and etc;
  • concise statistics on server, network, memory, and CPU utilization.

Power tab

The “Power control” submenu in the Info tab is intended for power management of servers and for obtaining information from the server's hardware sensors.

If the server cannot be managed remotely, you will prompt to create an operation request in the Power tab:

Console and IPMI access tab

The various options for direct remote access to hardware management are presented in the submenu for managing consoles and IPMI access (Console and IPMI access) in the Info tab.

When managing a dedicated server, or if the Supermicro/HP/ASUS/Dell server is equipped with a remote management module, the Console tab will look like this:

When managing a dedicated server, or if the Supermicro/HP/ASUS/Dell server is equipped with a remote management module, the Console tab will look like this:

An example of user forwarding and getting a password:

For the servers based on Supermicro X10 and X11 is possible to mount one of the ISO images from the list. Loading the ISO list may take a few seconds.


The steps above will give you access only to the built-in server administration web-page; the further steps required to launch a console window, mount client ISO images, and other available management actions depend on the type of server's platform management module.

We recommend that you refer to the appropriate manuals from the server's motherboard vendors.

If the server cannot be managed remotely, the Console tab will suggest you to request KVM:

During managing a virtual server, a special console.vv file is required to access the console. You can get it by clicking the Launch Console button. To run it, you need to download the Virt-viewer application.


Note that you only have 2 minutes to run the downloaded console.vv file. Otherwise, you will have to click the Launch Console button again and get a new console.vv file.

Installation of one of the proposed ISO files is also available. Select an image from the list (the list may take a few seconds to load), click the Mount ISO button and then Download >> CD. The virtual server will be stopped and then restarted using the ISO image as the boot device. After restarting the server, you need to get a new console access file.


The tag - is a label assigned to a specific server in the format of key-value-additional parameter. Some tags are automatically set by the system upon delivery, such as the user name, password set at installation, and server name.

Users can add their own tags and manage them via API. This simplifies the process of working with servers and serves as a convenient automation tool. Server tag management is performed on the server's card.

Network tab

The Network tab allows you to block and unblock specific IP addresses, get port traffic graphs, information about network settings, and manage PTR (rDNS) records.


The Unblock function does NOT allow you to unblock IP address in any of the following cases:

  • The IP address was temporarily routed null by DDoS protection due to incoming attack. The system will unlock it automatically after 4 hours. If you want to remove the null route before the end of the 4-hour period, you must contact our support team.
  • The IP was blocked by the Abuse department due to AUP violation. To remove the block, you must check your email for instructions from the Abuse team and take the necessary actions.

An example of filling out a form in the PTR settings window:

Reinstall tab

The Reinstall tab is used to initiate the reinstallation process, select the operating system and additional software, and perform other related operations.


All previous data will be lost during this process.

Billing tab

The Billing tab is intended for obtaining data about server's rental conditions: client's full name, type and current status of billing, start date of the server, rental cost.

You can perform the following operations in this tab:

  • Go to your personal account on the website;
  • Cancel service;
  • View the history of invoices and view their current status;
  • Get information about the current traffic plan.