Mounting ISO using IPMI¶
To mount the ISO and access the graphical console via IPMI are possible in the Console tab in the Invapi control panel.
The Mount common or rescue ISO image as CD section is only available when managing virtual servers and Supermicro servers with X10 and X11 (and in some cases X9) motherboards. In this tab, it is possible to select an ISO with the required operating system from the drop-down list:
After selecting the operating system, you must press the buttons - Mount ISO and Boot from ISO:
Accessing the remote console and mounting the ISO¶
You must have Java software on your device to run the console. Some motherboards also provide the ability to connect via the HTML5 console, without having to install Java.
You need to get an IP address in the Console tab of the control panel for IPMI access. To do this, click on the Activate IPMI Access button. The IP address for accessing the console will be displayed on the screen after that. You can go to the specified address by clicking on it:
A message about not private connection may be displayed when clicking on the link:
You can change your browser settings to prevent the warning. For example, you can read the instructions for disabling HSTS in Google Chrome here.
The Create temp IPMI user button allows you to create a login and password for authorization in the web interface:
The login and password are temporary and used for authorization in the web interface.
To access the IKVM/HTML5 console, go to the Remote control tab and click the IKVM/HTML5 button:
The existence of an HTML5 console depends on hardware generation. IKVM is available for all hardware generations.
The credentials of a specific server are used for authorization in the console. It is possible to implement various actions to manage the equipment in the console:
It is prohibited to make changes to the IPMI/BIOS settings on your own, as well as set a password to boot the BIOS or flash new BIOS by (HOSTKEY Terms of Service - Technical requirements - subparagraphs m and n). These actions may lead you to lose control of the server.
Restoring settings in case of loss of access to the server due to negligence or mistake is a paid service, and goes through the current rate of internal work on the server.
If you need to install an operating system that is not on our list, you need to perform the following steps:
Go to the Remote Control >> Console Redirection tab and launch the console with the Launch console button in the web interface:
As a result of this action, the jnlp-file will be downloaded to the device. The console will be opened after running this file. You can mount the ISO in the Virtual media >> Virtual storage menu:
In the opened menu, select the type of logical disk – ISO
and specify the location for storing the ISO file and click the Plug in and Ok buttons:
Then you should restart the server (F6 key) menu Power control >> Set power reset. After restarting the server, you should boot from the selected ISO.
The created IP addresses in the Console tab are active only 2 hours from the moment of creation.
Access will become invalid after 2 hours. You will need to refresh the page and get new access.
To use your own ISO image as virtual media on the server, you need to launch the Virtual Console in iDRAC and click Connect Virtual Media:
As a result of this action, the jnlp file will be downloaded to the device. After running this file, the console will open. Then select the ISO file:
After restarting the server, you should boot from the selected ISO.
It is prohibited to make changes to the IPMI/BIOS settings on your own, as well as set a password to boot the BIOS or flash new BIOS by (HOSTKEY Terms of Service - Technical requirements - subparagraphs m and n). These actions may lead you to lose control of the server.
Restoring settings in case of loss of access to the server due to negligence or mistake is a paid service, and goes through the current rate of internal work on the server.
The created IP addresses in the Console tab are active only 2 hours from the moment of creation.
Access will become invalid after 2 hours. You will need to refresh the page and get new access
Some of the content on this page was created or translated using AI.