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The Hestia Control Panel is a multi-functional server control panel that provides extensive capabilities for managing websites, mail, databases and other services.

HestiaCP. Key Features

  • FastCGI caching support is implemented for the Nginx web server when used in conjunction with PHP FPM. It is also possible to configure proxy caching for Nginx + Apache configuration.
  • Allocation of individual TLS certificates for each domain is available.
  • Support for multi-IP configurations for web, mail and DNS services is implemented.
  • PHP versions from 5.6 to 8.2 are supported, PHP 8.2 is used by default.
  • Single client installation of popular CMS and applications: WordPress, DokuWiki, Drupal, Grav, Laravel, MediaWiki, NextCloud, OpenCart, PrestaShop, Symphony.
  • You can configure your own DNS server and DNSSEC.
  • Exim, Dovecot and Roundcube are used for email. There are speed limit settings and Let's Encrypt support.
  • The latest versions of MariaDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL DBMS are available. Up-to-date phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin are installed.
  • Advanced administration features are implemented, including setting up automatic backups to over 50 cloud storage locations.

Deployment Features

ID Compatible OS VM BM VGPU GPU Min CPU (Cores) Min RAM (Gb) Min HDD/SDD (Gb) Active
56 Ubuntu 22.04 + + + + 1 1 - Yes
  • Minimum system requirements for installing HestiaCP
  • Processor: 1 core, 64-bit
  • RAM: 1 GB (without SpamAssassin and ClamAV)
  • Hard drive space: 10 GB HDD
  • Recommended system requirements:
  • Processor: 4 cores, 64-bit
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Hard disc space: 40 GB SSD

The web interface will be available at: https://hestiacp{Server_ID_from_Invapi}


Unless otherwise specified, by default we install the latest release version of software from the developer's website or operating system repositories.

Getting started after deploying HestiaCP

After payment for the order, you will receive a notification at the email address provided during registration. This notification will include the IP address of the VPS, as well as the login and password for the connection.

Clients of our company manage the hardware in the server`s and API control panel — Invapi.

You can find the authorization data either in the Info >> Tags tab of the server control panel or in the email that was sent.

  • Link to access the HestiaCP dashboard with a web interface: in the webpanel tag;
  • Login: admin;
  • Password: Sent to your email address after the server is ready for use following software deployment.

Detailed information on the basic settings of HestiaCP can be found at in the developer documentation.

Opening SMTP ports for organizing corporate mail service

For security reasons, outgoing TCP ports (25,24,2525, 387, 465, and 587) and UDP port (5060) are blocked by default on all VPS servers. This is to prevent the sending of spam.

To remove the block, follow the steps below:

  1. Spell out the domain zone.The A record of the domain must necessarily refer to the IP address of your server in HOSTKEY.

  2. Send a request to technical support stating that you need to open outgoing SMTP ports for sending mail and the address of the domain from which (or a subdomain of which) it is being sent.


    We reserve the right to ask you additional questions about the domain name and your options for using it.

  3. After analyzing the domain name we will make a decision about opening ports for SMTP operation and inform you.

Ordering HestiaCP using the API

To install this software using the API, follow these instructions.

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