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Linux Game Server Manager (LGSM and Web-LGSM)

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LGSM (Linux Game Server Managers) is a powerful, open-source tool designed to streamline game server management on Linux systems. It significantly simplifies the installation, configuration, administration, and updating of servers for over 120 popular games and game engines, including "Counter-Strike", "Minecraft", "Rust", and "Team Fortress 2". Web LGSM is an intuitive web interface that makes interacting with LGSM even more convenient. Through this web panel, users gain access to all key functions: player management, game parameter configuration, real-time server status monitoring, and efficient system resource management. Thanks to Web LGSM, even users without deep technical knowledge can easily and effectively manage game servers, making this tool indispensable for gaming community administrators and enthusiasts.

LGSM: Key Features

  • Server Installation: LGSM automates the game server installation process, simplifying the configuration of necessary files and dependencies. This helps avoid issues associated with manual setup.
  • Server Management: Provides convenient commands for launching, stopping, restarting, updating, and monitoring game servers.
  • Updates: LGSM automatically checks for game updates and allows easy updating of servers to the latest versions.
  • Security: Includes features for automatic backups and protection against unwanted changes.
  • Monitoring and Notifications: LGSM provides server monitoring functions and can notify administrators about outages or problems via email or messengers.
  • Configuration and Customization: Allows configuring server configuration files and launch parameters, providing flexibility in managing game servers.

Build Features

  • Supported Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.
  • Virtual Environment: /home/mcbserver/web-lgsm/venv.
  • Web Interface Directory: /home/mcbserver/web-lgsm.
  • Project Working Directory: /home/mcbserver/lgsm.

After installation, you need to go to the link: https://web-lgsm<Server_ID_from_Invapi> - during initial setup, then you can use the link https://web-lgsm<Server_ID_from_Invapi>

Getting Started After Deploying LGSM

After purchasing an order, you will receive a notification about your server's readiness at the email address provided during registration. It will include the VPS IP address and login credentials for connection. Our company's clients manage equipment through the server control panel and APIInvapi. Authentication data, which can be found in the Info >> Tags tab of the server control panel or in the email sent:

  • Link to access the Web LGSM web interface: in the webpanel tag;
  • Login and Password:
    • For connecting to the server (SSH): login and password are sent in the email upon server delivery.
    • For logging into the Web-LGSM control panel: an account (login and password) is created during the first connection to the panel during the initial setup.

Setting Up and Using Web-LGSM

  1. Go to the link in the webpanel tag and on the "Setup" page, create a user. After creating the user, you'll be automatically logged in and redirected to the home page:

  2. To install a new game server, select the option Install a New Game Server:

  3. Then choose the game server from the list of available options and start the installation process by clicking the Instal button. For example, "Install pwserver":

    Next, enter the administrator password (sent to your email address when you ordered the server):

    You can monitor the installation progress through the console output:

    After a successful installation, the server will appear in the "Home" section:

  4. Go to the "Settings" page and perform basic settings. After completing the settings, click the Apply button:

  5. After performing the initial settings, start the server by clicking its name and pressing the Start server button:

Activating the Web-LGSM Configuration Editor

The configuration editor is disabled by default. To activate it, manually edit the main.conf file located at the path /home/mcbserver/web-lgsm/main.conf. In this file, change the value of the cfg_editor parameter from no to yes:

To apply the changes, you need to restart the server. In the /home/mcbserver/web-lgsm directory, execute the command ./ -r.

It is recommended to perform changes as the user mcbserver. If you are working as root, make sure that file and directory permissions have not been changed incorrectly (check with the command ls -la).

After completing these steps, you will be able to view the game server configuration in the web interface. Simply click on the server name:

The game server configuration contains information about player connection parameters and game setting management.

Adding an Existing Server

The Linux Game Server Manager (LGSM and Web-LGSM) comes pre-configured with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. To start working with this server, follow these steps:

  1. Select the option "Add an Existing LGSM Installation":

  2. In the opened menu, fill in the following fields:

    • Installation Title: Enter a unique name for the installation;
    • Installation Directory Path: Enter the full path to the game server directory (/home/mcbserver);
    • LGSM Script Name: Enter the name of the game server script (mcbserver);
    • Game Server Username: Enter the username for the game server (mcbserver). If left blank, it will use the user under which the web-lgsm process is running.

  3. Optionally, add a sudoers rule for correct operation of game servers belonging to other users:

    • Open the sudoers file with the command: sudo visudo.
    • Add the line: root ALL=(mcbserver) NOPASSWD: /home/mcbserver/mcbserver, /usr/bin/watch, /usr/bin/tmux, /usr/bin/kill


Since each game server requires unique configuration, "Minecraft: Bedrock Edition" with the user mcbserver was chosen as an example. For adding other servers, use the correct paths and corresponding usernames.


Detailed information on basic settings can be found in the documentation from the developers of LGSM and Web LGSM.

Order a LGSM server using the API

To install this software using the API, follow these instructions.