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LAMP + phpMyAdmin

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LAMP - is a web development technology stack that includes the Linux operating system, Apache web server, MySQL database, and PHP interpreter. Linux provides hosting and server management, Apache acts as a web server that processes and responds to resource requests, MySQL is a relational database that stores and processes data, and PHP is a programming language. phpMyAdmin is a free and open source program written in PHP that allows you to manage MySQL through a web interface.

LAMP + phpMyAdmin. Key Features

  • phpMyAdmin: allows you to manage MySQL very easily and conveniently, without the need to use the command line or complex scripts. It is often used on hosting sites to manage user databases. Allows you to view and manage databases, tables, fields, indexes and other MySQL objects, execute SQL queries, import and export data in various formats (SQL, CSV, XML).

  • High Performance: Apache is a reliable, high-performance web server, and MySQL provides fast data access for high-performance applications.

  • Reliability and Security: Linux is a robust operating system with high security against hackers, and Apache has many tools to protect against attacks and other threats.

  • Scalability: With Apache's modular architecture and MySQL's horizontal scalability, LAMP easily scales to meet the needs of growing businesses.

  • Flexibility: PHP is a flexible and powerful programming language that allows you to create dynamic Web pages and applications with a variety of features.

  • Open and extensible code: All components of LAMP are open source, allowing you to customize and adapt the software to meet different needs.

  • Easy to use: Customizing LAMP is not a complicated process, especially for those familiar with Linux and Web development.

Deployment Features

  • Installation on Ubuntu 20.04+ is possible.
  • Install Apache + SSL + Fail2ban + php-fpm + MariaDB in the zone.
  • Installed software: PhpMyAdmin.

After installing, SSH into the server and add the site content to the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory.

Getting started after deploying LAMP + phpMyAdmin

A notification will be sent to the e-mail specified during registration that the server is ready for work after paying for the order. It will contain the IP address of the VPS, as well as the login and password for the connection. Clients of our company manage the hardware in the server`s and API control panel - Invapi.

  • The web interface will be available at: https://lamp{Server_ID_from_Invapi}
  • Login: admin;
  • Password: admin.

Database Creation

To add a new database, log in to the phpMyAdmin interface and navigate to the Databases tab.

Enter a unique name for the new database in the Database Name field and click the Create button.

Re-enter the table name and specify the number of rows. Once you have entered the data, click the Go button.

The database will be created and added to the list of existing databases. You can now create tables and work with data.


Detailed information about working with the database can be found in the developer documentation.

Ordering a server with LAMP using the API

To install this software using the API, follow these instructions.