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Device tag

A device tag is an arbitrarily assigned label for a specific server following the key-value-optional_parameter format. Some of the tags are assigned automatically during the deployment process, for example: username, the password specified during the installation process, server name, etc.

The user can add their own tags and manage them via the API. This is a convenient automation tool that simplifies working with servers. Server tags can be edited from the server's card directly as well.


The user can add personalized tags for each of their rented servers through both the API and web interface. Server tags can be used to store any additional information concerning the server - a client's banking account number or balance, tarification data, OS and device statuses, comments and etc.

To edit server tags in Invapi you have to select the Info >> Tags tab in the specific server's control panel and click the Add tag button:

After clicking the Add tag you will be prompted to enter the new tag data:

The popup menu consists of thee forms to be filled in:

  • Tag name - specifies the name of the tag, which has to be unique for the server;
  • Tag value - this field should contain the value of the created tag, for example - server ID, password, etc.;
  • Extra data - this is an input where the user can add a custom, additional description of the tag: for example, it's purpose, or other information. Filling in this textbox is optional. But it is convenient, for example, to store a JSON entry with some necessary information as this value.

All user-created tags attached to the server are stored in the Info tab, under the Add tag button:

To edit or remove an existing tag - just click on it, it will bring up the editing menu:

In this popup you can edit the tag's name and content. It's necessary to press the Save button to save the edited data. If you wish to remove the tag, click on the Remove button.


Changing tags does not actually make any changes to the server, their only function is to store information for the convenience of users and their automation systems. For security reasons, do not store sensitive information such as the root password in tags!